Rabbits Well-being

Renal failure in rabbits

Some simple tips to prevent kidney failure in rabbits.

Some causes of rabbit kidney failure can be avoided, especially those due to kidney stones. Renal stones can form, they are like small stones inside the urinary tract, over time they prevent the kidney from functioning properly and damage it. This is kidney failure. The causes of kidney stones are multiple, but diet and water are important. Therefore, a good diet will prevent or slow down the formation of kidney stones. Here are some tips.

!!! Attention, this article is purely informative and based on real-life experiences, it does not replace medical advice or treatment given by your vet…
I just want to give you advice on the steps to follow if your rabbit has the disorders listed below…

Please do not underestimate worrisome symptoms without seeking medical advice. As far as I am concerned, Harry has never had kidney stones but had the onset of rabbit kidney failure. This was particularly due to his advanced age. As his urea and creatinine levels (give an indication of kidney function) were not too high compared to the average, which only hinted at the onset of kidney failure, some feeding and lifestyle tips were useful:

Good to know about Renal failure in  rabbits:

  • A high-quality hay without lucerne is recommended. Alfalfa is important for young rabbits because they are growing, but no longer necessary when they become adults because they are very rich in calcium). Clover hay is also rich in calcium. Crau hay (available from your Rabbits Concept Store) is also rich enough in calcium, but this is not a problem as part of a natural diet.
  • Make sure that the pellets you give him do not contain calcium.
  • Vary as much as possible the vegetables you give him, some are richer in calcium than others…
  • Check the water you give him too… Water can contain too much calcium. I personally, did not give tap water to my rabbit because it was too chlorinated… So I gave him the same water we drank!

To go even further, while respecting a more natural and gentle treatment, our vet chose to treat Harry with herbal medicine: she gave him a treatment of E.P.S (standardized plant extract) to swallow. She chose plants known to work against kidney failure, such as plantain, dandelion and milk thistle.

This treatment allowed Harry’s blood rate to return to normal level, his deficiency was contained, thanks to these nutritional tips and natural treatment.

If he hasn’t recovered despite this, then an advanced treatment would have been considered.

I  strongly encourage you to carefully look after your rabbit, especially if it stops urinating or drinking. In addition, take it a complete blood test from 6 – 7 years.

The health of our small pets is crucial, if rabbit kidney failure can be treated at an early stage, you will avoid complications and heavy treatments for your rabbit.

I hope this article can help you identify the symptoms and take the necessary action in case of kidney failure. I wish you a beautiful and happy adventure with your long-eared pet!

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