Le lapin petit chouchou des français
You must know that the rabbit is the third pet in Europe. People realized that the rabbit was not at all made to stay locked in a hutch all the time. The rabbit, like the cat or the dog, needs to run, to jump, he knows like the cat if he has been well educated, to go to his crate. In short, the rabbit is a small independent animal but needs attention to ensure its well-being in everyday life. It has specific needs depending on its character, which is why Bunny Sitting expresses itself in different ways. Here are the solutions to keep your rabbit:
Visits to your home
Rabbit guard at your home
The pension
Home visits
Most of the time when people are absent, it is a relative of the family or a neighbor who comes twice a day to feed the rabbit and let go a little to allow him to stretch his legs (for those who are in cages). This solution is beneficial for more sensitive rabbits who will have trouble getting used to the change of housing.
There are also sites that allow you to enter the category of your pet, the city in which you live and your holiday dates and a list of people appears in a perimeter close to your place of residence and the rate of the visit.
Homemaker care
This solution to keep your rabbit can be more reassuring for owners who may have trouble leaving their animals alone. But for other animals the shock can be brutal, the rabbit being a very territorial animal. It will be necessary to be vigilant on the other animals which will live with your rabbit. And if there are other rabbits in the host family (FA), be careful and know if all this little world is well vaccinated and not carrying a contagious disease.
Rabbit guard at home
Solution that seems a priori the best but certainly the most expensive and perhaps the most difficult to find (apart from a friend or a passionate rabbit). In this case, your animal remains in its usual environment and enjoys a presence day and night.
The pension
In this case, you must leave your pet in a boarding house near you if possible.
So I know that there is no ideal solution to keep your rabbit, because leaving with is not always possible. Yet I know how difficult it is to leave our love balls to strangers. However there are serious people who can take those during your absence.
Good holidays !
Think of Rabbits.world transport crates to keep your rabbit, very practical with the double opening, classic and from the top !!!